Tuesday, July 28, 2015

About Me

Maybe first its time to tell you about myself. I am 17 years old and I have had seizures since I was in the 8th grade. Although at the time through the EEG, MRI, and another 24 hour EEG they didn't find any irregular brain activity. Going into and during my 8th grade year I had 3 seizures. Then for 2 years I thought that my struggle had finally come to an end and that I would be okay.
Then in the summer of 2014 on July 2 I was running around the fitness center track with my cross country team, and my seizures I know when they are going to happen because I get a tingly feeling in my arm and my head starts to go to the side and I cant control it, this one though was one like no other I had before during my seizures earlier in my life I was conscious and could tell what was going on around me, this one I was knocked unconscious and when I woke up forgot where I was. It left a pretty big scrape on my face.

The positive and funny thing I got out of that day was that when the firefighters were asking me what the password was to my phone I wouldn't tell them because I knew that would mean they would call my mom and I wouldn't be able to drive, but with deep persuasion I eventually told them.Anyways about a week later we went to the doctor I had in 8th grade to find out he was no longer there and they referred me to my doctor now, Dr. Morita. We went and got the EEG and sadly probably the hardest news I had heard was the test came back with irregular brain activity making me an epileptic. The title makes it even worse because it makes it much more real. The next step after that was deciding if I wanted to start medication, which I did. This medicine was the worst medicine I could have ever imagined it threw me into a worse emotional state then I already was in, made me lose my appetite, made me dizzy, and most of the time I couldn't pay attention to what the teachers were saying because the pain I had was so bad. I missed so much school, my grades started to drop, and I was embarrassed to tell my friends the real reason I was staying home so often. They thought I was staying home just because. It took me a while to decide I needed to get off the medication and try a new one. I was on two medications for about 3-4 months and during that time I would maybe eat once a day and I still had to force myself because both had loss of appetite as a side affect. I finally got off the first medication and now am only on the one, last doctors visit my doctor gave me a new medication for my migraines which causes dizziness, loss of feeling in hands, feet, and face, and often times makes me feel sick to the stomach. Kind of ironic how they give you medicine to help you but it opens so many other problems. I am currently having to adjust my body to that. And I do realize this is how the rest of my life will be. New medications, bad days, good days, and much much more but it is something I can continue living with because I have a good support system in my life and I have the gospel. It is hard but I have so many good things in my life that will continue to keep me going.

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