Friday, August 21, 2015

God Answers my Prayers

Well, today was a fairly decent day!! It's been pretty great! The madrigals got to perform the national anthem and I think we did amazing 😊 Today I also didn't have to go to school until 8:30! Short classes and assembly schedule? Don't mind if I do! 
Anyways about everything from yesterday I didn't end up going to the interview because I didn't feel right about it, zupas did not call, and so far jamba has not either. But the thing is, I'm okay with that for one reason, I told myself before I went to the interviews if I was supposed to get the job I will, and I prayed that if I was supposed to have a job at the time that one of them would work out. So the reason I'm okay with it is because I know in my heart that there is a reason I'm not supposed to be working at the moment! The reason being? I don't know. But it will all work out for the best, and I am grateful that I am able to pray and get the answers I need. God has a plan for me and he knows what is best for me, he will guide me and protect me throughout my life. He will answer my prayers and I know that he is a constant guide. I am so grateful for the gospel and the very important role it's played in my life. 

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