Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Senior Year!!!

I'm not your typical teenage girl. I was actually excited to go to school! I got out of bed early and on time(surprisingly) and turned on my jams and started singing in my brush like it was a mic.. dancing around my room when I... Wait this all sounds too good to be true... because it is. I woke up and got ready, not really sure if I was so ready for school to start or not. So maybe I am the typical teenage girl. First day of school? Ugh. Singing in the morning? My voice doesn't have the capacity for that.(especially that early!) Dancing? I can't do. So that was an obvious thing it wasn't true. School. My last year of high school. Senior year?! Me? Woah. Still as I got in my car to go to school couldn't grasp to the fact this was my last year of high school. The year I had to do everything I wanted to do. "Well here goes nothing" I said as I went through the high school doors and the adventure I call senior year begins. 

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