Monday, August 10, 2015

The future is a scary thing.

As I think about it my future and the time to make a lot of important life decisions is rapidly approaching. This is my senior year and after its time to go to college and decide on a career, decide if I'm going to serve a mission, there are so many things coming up faster than I would like. Just when I thought I had it all planned out I start thinking and then my whole "plan" kind of falls apart. I had a plan of going to college at USU or UofU to get my major in physician assisting, but as I think about it I think is this something I want to do for a career? I'd be going to college for 4-6 years to get my degree and do I really want that? There are so many degrees out there and so many colleges and now as soon as it becomes closer to making that decision I don't know anymore. Convienent, right? Well anyways senior year starts in 10 DAYS! Holy guacamole that's so soon! I'm so anxious and nervous but excited!! Well here's to the class of 2016, and here's to hoping this year is the best 😊

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