Monday, August 24, 2015

Making the Best Out of Everyday

I'm not gonna lie, lately it's been pretty tough just being happy. I'm not really sure why, no reason behind it.. I'll just have a wave of sadness come over me and I'll have no motivation to do anything. But if there's one thing I've learned in the past year it's that I need to never give up, I need to keep going through the good and the bad. I mean I love school! My classes are very enjoyable and I've actually gotten up on time every day! While I'm at school I've got my mind on other things, but then I get home and it's just frustration, stress, and a lack of motivation. It could be the fact that I'm still adjusting to school and I'm still trying to get my schedule to its normal ness. I don't know, but whatever it is I'm not going to let it affect me and I'm going to continue to put on a happy smile, and make my days good. I've got good family and friends all around me, and I've got the things I love too. So I'll find my happy place (even if it's looking at pictures of it,
cause I love to travel and I have an adventurous heart so occasionally I'll get on Pinterest and pin a bunch of places to go, and it makes me happy) and make the best out of today that I can :)

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