Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Live. Laugh. Love? ❤️

There are so many thoughts rushing through my head as I think about the upcoming school year that starts... TOMORROW! It's crazy to think that I am going to be a senior, and that this is my last year of high school. Time always flies faster than you want it to and as much as I wish I was still in kindergarten playing in the sand and painting cute pictures, well that's too good to be true. Well tomorrow I take on a new adventure my last first day of high school, and I'm just not sure how I feel about it yet.  I've learned to value the memories that I have because as I continue in my life, time keeps going faster! Sooner than I know I'll be going to college and finding my next adventure. So treasure the moments you have now  because time flies, and you don't want to miss anything. Go out and have fun, and maybe take some risks. Because one day you won't be 17 (or however old you are) and be able to experience what you can when you are 17. Live a little. Live . Laugh. Love? ❤️ 

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