Saturday, August 1, 2015


Being thankful for the little things in life is what is really important to me. It's important to me because when there are things that are going wrong in your life you need to realize the small things. 2 things that I am grateful for today are; 1. nature. How beautiful it is. I had the opportunity to go on a 5 mile hike with my stake priests and laurels, it was pretty hard but the thing it made me realize is how important it is to persevere to the end, as hard as it may get you need to keep going. I can compare this to my life there may be parts where life is rocky and hectic but you have to continue to the end even if at one point you end up on your hands and knees crawling up to your final destination. Life and the plan of happiness is important and you need to do what you can to get there. Nature showed me this, and I am thankful for it and the beautifulness it surrounds me with and calms me with. I am thankful for gods great gift. 
The second thing I am grateful for is people who have integrity. Today after my hike as I was riding down the ski lift I dropped my bag with my very expensive sunglasses, and instead of people leaving it, walking over it, or taking it for themselves they were kind enough to return it lost and found where I could find it.

So please find the good and be grateful they may not be things that stand out thy may be things you have to look for, but I promise if you do it will help in the long run. :) 

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